I recently watched a marathon of Mildred Pierce on HBO on demand. This created a die hard craving for chicken and waffles. So, I had to have a party. This classic combo is delicious no matter what (Roscoe’s anyone?), but making it at home feels especially luxurious. Once again, Thomas Keller’s Buttermilk Fried Chicken recipe from Ad Hoc is a show stopper (that lemon brine is magical!). And since everything is better with buttermilk, I put it in the waffles too. Add some pies into the mix (another Mildred Pierce induced craving) and you’ve got a perfect night!

The Menu
watermelon vodkas
to start
tomato, cucumber, little gems, avocado & apple smoked bacon with dill-chive dressing
buttermilk fried chicken
belgain waffles with maple butter & fresh peach compote
stewed collard greens
pickled okra
watermelon, mint & lime salad
rosemary cayenne cornbread
strawberry rhubarb pie with lattice crust
chocolate cream pie