The first romantic meal I ever made was spaghetti with meat sauce and a Ceasar salad. It was the fourth grade and Courtney Sterling and I were determined to set the perfect stage for her single dad and our music teacher, Ms. Madden, to fall in love. My mom took us grocery shopping and taught us how to enhance our jar of Prego with fresh herbs and toss our salad out of a bag, complete with croutons and dressing. Somehow, despite our simple menu, we managed to destroy the kitchen. There were red roses to be arranged. A Barry White cassette tape to be played. We crossed our fingers and hoped for a Lady and the Tramp ‘oops we’ve stumbled upon the same noodle, we should kiss’ moment’. Our cupid efforts didn’t quite yield our desired results but they did teach me the connection between the heart and stomach. Last night I set a similar stage for my and Greg’s romantic double Valentine’s date with our friends Amy and David. When I first moved to LA, I lived with Amy and David and to say that I ‘third wheeled’ is a great, great understatement. That first February I made the three of us Valentine’s Day dinner and we all exchanged sweet gifts. To prove my ‘third wheeling’ to the nth degree, it didn’t feel awkward at all. It was nice. Ever since, I try to spend the day with A and D…plus G!